The Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research.
TheinstitutionhasastatedCodeofEthicsforresearchandtheimplementationofwhichis ensured through the following:
1.Inclusion of research ethics in the research methodology course work
2.Presence of institutional Ethics committee (Animal, Chemical, Bio-ethics etc.)
3.Plagiarism check through software
4.Research Advisory Committee
Response:A. All of the above
File Description |
Document |
Copyofthesyllabusoftheresearchmethodology course work to indicate if research ethics is included |
Constitution of the ethics committee and its proceedingsasapprovedbytheappropriatebody |
Constitutionofresearchadvisorycommitteeandits proceedings as approved by the appropriate body. |
Billsofpurchaseoflicensedplagiarismcheck software in the name of the HEI |
ProvideLinksforanyotherrelevantdocumentto support the claim (if any) |
Number of candidates registered for Ph.D during the last 5 years:
Response: 1 |
File Description |
Document |
Letterfromtheuniversityindicatingnameofthe Ph.D.studentwithtitleofthedoctoralstudyand the name of the guide. |
Institutionaldataintheprescribedformat(data template merged with 2.4.2 and 3.2.3) |
NumberofresearchpapersintheJournalsnotifiedonUGCCARElistyearwiseduringthe last five years
Response: 102
File Description |
Document |
Institutionaldataintheprescribedformat(data template) |
ProvideLinksforanyotherrelevantdocumentto support the claim (if any) |
Linkre-directingtojournalsource-citewebsite in case of digital journals |
Linkstothepaperpublishedinjournalslistedin UGC CARE list |
Link to the uploaded papers, the first page/full paper(withauthorandaffiliationdetails)onthe institutional website |
Numberofbooksandchaptersineditedvolumespublishedperteacherduringthelastfiveyears Response: 0.07
Total Number of books and chapters in edited volumes published during the last five years
Response: 7
File Description |
Document |
Listofchapter/bookalongwiththelinks redirecting to the source website |
Institutionaldataintheprescribedformat(data template) |
Copy of the Cover page, content page and first pageofthepublicationindicatingISBNnumber and year of publication for books/chapters |
ProvideLinksforanyotherrelevantdocumentto support the claim (if any) |
Revenuegeneratedfromconsultancyandcorporatetrainingduringthelastfiveyears Response: 33