Percentage of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, governmentandnon-governmentbodies,industries,individuals,philanthropistsduringthelast five years Response:86.46 |
Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the institution, Governmentandnon-governmentbodies,industries,individuals,philanthropistsyearwiseduring last five years |
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Document |
Year-wise list of beneficiary students in each schemedulysignedbythecompetentauthority. |
UploadSanctionletterofscholarshipandfreeships (along with English translated version if it is in regional language). |
UploadpolicydocumentoftheHEIforawardof scholarship and freeships. |
Institutionaldataintheprescribedformat(data template) |
ProvideLinksforanyotherrelevantdocumentto support the claim (if any) |