3.1.1 Research Facilities

Research Promotion policies download here 

Summary of Research Promotion Priorities at the College

  1. Cutting-Edge Research Facilities:

    • Continuous updates to laboratories, libraries, and technological resources.
    • Alignment with advancements across diverse academic fields.
  2. Transparent Policy Framework:

    • Establishment of clear policies to promote research excellence.
    • Policies designed to nurture a thriving research culture.
  3. Accessibility and Clarity:

    • Research promotion policies are readily available on the college website.
    • Clear outlines of criteria, expectations, and evaluation benchmarks for research activities.
  4. Inclusive Promotion Criteria:

    • Recognition of various research contributions beyond publications, including collaborative projects and grant acquisition.
    • Alignment of research activities with the college's mission and strategic goals.
  5. Periodic Policy Reviews:

    • Regular updates to research promotion policies based on emerging trends and feedback.
    • Inclusion of support mechanisms like grants, funding, and access to specialized resources.
  6. Encouragement of Interdisciplinary Research:

    • Active promotion and reward of collaborations across different academic disciplines.
    • Emphasis on ethical research practices and responsible conduct.
  7. Valuation of Diverse Research Outputs:

    • Recognition of non-traditional research outputs such as patents, software, and prototypes.
    • Communication of research opportunities, incentives, and resources.
  8. Oversight by Academic Committees:

    • Dedicated committees ensure fair and consistent application of research promotion policies.
    • Integration of research contributions into faculty performance evaluations.
  9. Promotion of Research-Centric Culture:

    • Active encouragement of inquiry, exploration, and knowledge generation among faculty and students.
    • Creation of an environment that fosters meaningful and impactful scholarly contributions.
  10. Advancement of College Mission:

    • Through updated research facilities and well-defined policies, the college advances its mission in research and academia.

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