Donation Corner

Donor Contributions:

During the academic year 2020-21, the PVKN Alumni Association received donations specifically allocated for the topographical survey of the college premises. The alumni generously contributed towards this initiative:

Summary of Proceedings:

             1. Alumni Services and Contributions:

The meeting was attended by 34 members who discussed various contributions and services provided by the alumni to the institution. Discussions focused on supporting student academic activities, including performance tracking, certificate courses, internships, and linkages to NGOs and industry. The association emphasized encouraging merit students through the distribution of books, uniforms, and the institution of gold medals, prizes, awards, certificates, and endowment cash prizes.

2. Career and Placement Activities:

The Alumni Association discussed potential career and placement activities to support student placement.

3. Infrastructure Development:

Members deliberated on potential infrastructure developments, including classrooms, seminar halls,heritagearches,acompoundwall,hostels,internalroads,gardens,paintings,librarybooks, laboratory equipment, ICT-based equipment, interactive panels, laptops, computers, a drinking water system, overhead tanks, and repairs to toilets.

4. Land Encroachment Issues:

The PVKN Alumni Association Secretary, Sri Chandra Sekar, highlighted the issue of blatant encroachmenton118acresofcollegelandbyvariousagenciesandprivateindividuals.Measures to safeguard the existing land were discussed.

5. Environmental and Eco-Friendly Initiatives:

The initiatives of solar/LED bulbs are energy-saving initiatives.


            The role of alumni in the administration was discussed in the Board of Studies , Academic Council, Finance Committee, Governing Body, College Planning and                  Development Council, AlumniAssociation,andIndustry-Academiainteraction.mainporticodoorwasdonatedbyEx.

  M.P. Durga Rama Krishna in the worth of 3,00,000/-


            Alumni member Sri Rameshdonated an amount of 5,000/- to the Alumni Fund, donated chemistrylabmaterialworthofRs.111383/-    bytheAlumniofchemistrydepartment.125959/-in 2022-23,391706/-in2021-22,116611/-in2020-21,37765/-in2019-20and32087/-in2018-19

                            of PVKN Alumni Students.

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