Total Amount of alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in lakhs) to the institution through registered Alumni association
TotalAmountofalumnicontributionduringthelastfiveyears(INRinlakhs)tothe institution year wise through registered Alumni association
2022-23 |
2021-22 |
2020-21 |
2019-20 |
2018-19 |
43.27929 |
3.91706 |
1.16611 |
.37765 |
3.32087 |
File Description |
Document |
Listofalumnus/alumniwiththeamount contributed year-wise |
Annual audited statements of accounts of the HEI highlightingtheAlumnicontributiondulycertified by the Chartered Accountant/Finance Officer |
ProvideLinksforanyotherrelevantdocumentto support the claim (if any) |
PVKN Alumni and Walkers Association contributed and constructedaPYRAMIDDhyana Kendram |
2022-23 |
3850587 |
Dr.N.KumarSwamyReddy, AlumnusofPVKNGovt.College (A) (B.Sc MPC Batch: 2005-2008) |
2022-23 |
111383 |
4 members donated for the Topographic Survey |
2022-23 |
40000 |
Sri Durga RamaKrishna , installed ateakwooddoorandSteelGrillat main entrance gate |
2022-23 |
200000 |
PVKN alumni students |
2022-23 |
125959 |
PVKN alumni students |
2021-22 |
391706 |
PVKN alumni students |
2020-21 |
116611 |
PVKN alumni students |
2019-20 |
37765 |
Dr. Sethuraman,GB members, and his associates personally supervisedtherenovatedoneroom with all interior design. |
2018-19 |
300000 |
PVKN alumni students |
2018-19 |
32087 |
During the academic year 2022-23, the PVKN Alumni Association contributed a total amount of 73,924/-. This amount was spent on various expenditures, including 35,800/- incurred towards the purchaseofglassandotherfittings.Additionally,10,000/-wasspentonadvertisementchargestopublish a Calendar Ad featuring restructured and market-oriented courses in the college. A further 15,225/- and 12,899/- were spent on advertisement charges for Paper Ads promoting these courses.